The Hot Seat

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened. - Winston Churchill

Saturday, February 12, 2005

A New Day...

For all of you who don't believe peer pressure works... :p

Observe that is has gotten me to do something that I have not tried in years. That is to say keep any form of journal.

Oh, I have been "encouraged" to in the past by school assignments, trips to camp and the like, but it seemed to me a most cruel form of torture to have me write about my own day.

I always preferred the luck of the psychological draw as the driving force behind my memories. If I forgot then, hey, it must not have been that important.

So when I first submitted the proposal to start a blog to the central processing office that sits between my ears, I balked at the idea.

"Sounds suspiciously like work," I say to myself.

"It's not work, there's no commitment to posting." I respond.

"If you want to leave whatever readers you have (pauses to listen to the crickets out back) out to dry no one can stop you."

The prospect of such a practical joke appealed to me, so after months of consideration (zzzz) I started "The Hot Seat".

Here in our "Siege Perilous" (this was the, already taken, first choice for a name) I intend to grill political and popular issues of note.

You see I have a shameful interest in the sordid game we in the English speaking world like to call "politics," in an effort to have some way of referring to it in polite company.

I thought to satisfy my regrettable urgings at the best darn site for discussion politics and policy anywhere...

*Vital Information*
America's Debate: A know-it-all's Heaven on Earth.

Visit, now... you can read my yammering later.

..Ahem, but that only aggravated my condition. I sure you're thinking that further expression on this site would do the same. Understand that I have decided to embrace the madness.

"Embrace the Madness" is quite possibly the best description of the plans I have for this blog you can get in three words. Remember it, the test is tomorrow.



  • The best...first blog post...ever!

    Welcome to the blogosphere, turnea. I look forward to seeing the more obscure side of your writings surface. I'm a big fan of yours - I've been reading your stuff for years. lol :D

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:32 PM  

  • Cool. I'm quite sure that your blog will make for some highly stimulating reading. You are, afterall, a man who defies many labels. I love that about you. :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:22 AM  

  • Have you been in my head?

    I felt the same way about blogging. In the end it was the fault of (go now, we are waiting for you (bohahaHaaaaaa)),that I started one. There are times when one just wants to rant, if for no other reason then to vent. A blog, is a great outlet for that.

    I know I am the oddball, having a blog on AOL and all (the boos and hisses rise in the crowd) but face it, I am lazy, it is easy to make it look the way I want it to, and it is not like anyone will read it anyway LOL.


    By Blogger John Moyle, at 8:30 AM  

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