The Hot Seat

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened. - Winston Churchill

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

McDonald's Owns You....

Is anyone else afraid? Not only has popular rap gone from poetic exposition of urban black life to thinly veiled product placements and celebration of anti-social self-destructive behavior.

Now they're even being open about it.
From the BBC
McDonald's has offered to pay top hip hop artists to incorporate the 'Big Mac' into their song lyrics. According to Advertising Age magazine, the fast food chain will pay rappers up to £2.80 ($5) every time a song namechecking the burger is played.


Yes, that's right McDonald's is offering to pay rappers to pimp their burgers. Maybe Ludacris could do a track featuring Ronald McDonald. That I would watch.

You can bet I will be watching closely to see which chump actually tries this.

Many people would be upset about this, I'm content to watch the circus.

Bring on the clowns!


  • Dear Alesis,
    I like the comment about pimping burgers. I do suppose that now, anything can be pimped... Next you know, it will be Ludacris and Barbie for all we know! I think rappers will probably start walking around with advertisements all on their clothing like Nascar. Keep it comin'!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:03 AM  

  • It's just mind boggeling that these folks that never learned to carry a tune or sing has captured the interest of so many other folks that probably share the same atribute..I can't stand to even be in earshot of such stupidity..

    By Blogger Howard, at 5:35 PM  

  • Don't get me wrong, rap as a msical genre is great. The speed makes it perfect for lyrical messages and a good rap song is dense with meaning. The energy doesn't hurt either.

    That said the current popular artist don't tend to make use of the genere's strength and instead they typify it's weakness.

    Namely, repetitivness which makes it perfect for marketing...

    By Blogger Turnea, at 7:37 PM  

  • Dear Alesis
    I just read today in The Wall Street Journal about how Smuckers is trying to patent their "Uncrustables." These things are peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that are sealed in a "different way than usual." I do not know if you have heard about this incident yet, but I think it is somewhat related to the McDonald's incident. My, what the companies are trying to pull today...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:47 AM  

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