The Hot Seat

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened. - Winston Churchill

Saturday, November 12, 2005

"God Loses Election: Robertson Furious"

First I'd like to point out that it is a perfectly gorgeous day where I'm sitting. Low seventies for the high, not a cloud to be seen, a nice breeze...

I've always said summer was my favorite season, but fall is making the bid for an upset this year.

Speaking of upset.
"I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: If there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God. You just rejected him from your city,[...]God is tolerant and loving, but we can't keep sticking our finger in his eye forever. If they have future problems in Dover, I recommend they call on Charles Darwin. Maybe he can help them"

That's Pat Robertson everybody. Yes Pat "whack Chavez!" Robertson, a living testament that no affiliation with God is necessary to be a televangelist.

His fury invoked by the untolerable decision of the town to vote out school board members who insisted creationism be taught in schools.

Whatever your postion on that debate, I don't have to explain that both in terms of common sense and Christian doctrine, it takes a special sort of moron, an idiot par excellence, to think such a thing, let alone say it on national television.

..but this comes as no surprise.

In October 2003, he suggested that the State Department be blown up with a nuclear device. He has also said that feminism encourages women to "kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."

Wait, I get the joke now. The only way we could find a worst "pastor" is to cram Satan himself into a pinstripe suit and give him a white collar to play with.

I weep for the future of humanity if this man is not removed from the airwaves within the month.

I'll get my Kleenex ready.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A Mite Warm in Paris these days...

..and they ain't the only ones.

Check that date... Nov. 8th.

For Huntsville, AL my collegiate home-away-from-home the high is expected to be 84 degrees Fahrenheit.'s the middle of fall, there are piles of leaves all around campus and I'm running headlong through them in a short-sleeved shirt and jeans seeking the nearest airconditioned room.

I hate the cold, but it really makes you think. I mean we're expecting record highs for the rest of the week.

What if they're right about Global Warming?!

Guess I shouldn't have left the car running all last night (hey, I wanted the air to be cold when I got in!)

..but enough of that, down to business.

The preeminent story right now is 12-day old riot in France (and a bit of Germany and Belgium).

Sparked after rumors that two teens were electrocuted after seeking refuge in a substation to avoid police have touched off a level of violence not seen in France for decades.

The operative questions are: Why the rioting? How to stop it? How to prevent it from happening again?

Sadly most people have no interest in answering any of those questions seriously.

As usual people have instead eschewed all pretence of impartiality and instead found the most convenient excuse.

Culture is the whipping-boy of all armchair sociologist, I'm convinced of that now.

Well, my dorm room doesn't have an arm chair so I'm exempt.

I suppose intellectual laziness is an easy trap for an ego-laden person ( or community or country, or me) to fall into.

After all, when its so easy to blame those jihad-crazy, "Allah Akbar"! toothless mullah following, wife abusing, disco-bombing Muslims....

Why even bother to look for flaws in a society that had before seemed able to cope?

In a continent that has so often stressed the importance of historical perspective and chided the youthful short-sightedness of the US, the shallowness of thought shown here is distressing.

After all was it not the hard-drinking, bar-room brawling Papists the Irish who caused themselves the be caught in the grips of poverty on the streets of New York in the early 20th century?

..and what of the shiftless, lazy, physically-active and intellectually dull blacks?

Why don't they just integrate with American culture?

..and speaking of Americans what's with those Indians?

...I mean Little Big Horn was like a thousand years ago. Why can't the Chief drop the fire water, stop blaming the truce-breaking white man and get on with his life?

..and those twenty-to-a-van, no speaka-de-Engrish dumb Mexicans?

Betcha their problem is that foreign Hispanic culture... if they would all just act like hard-working, well-spoken, law-abiding Europeans the minute they crawl under the border fence with their twelve kids(man these foreigners breed like rodents), then everything would be alright.

Of course, not one of the tolerant souls who've merely been pushed to the limit by the degradation of their age-old European culture would ever say all of that in one sentence.

That would be racist.

..break those up into paragraphs and round off the rhetorical soft edge, however, and it's merely an unavoidable observation.

A vicious logical circle is being put to work here.
Definition: Assimilation is acquiring the skill for success in a host country.

An immigrant population that succeeds is assimilated.

An immigrant population does not succeed is not assimilated.


Immigrants who want to succeed, must assimilate.

Question: So... how do we know when they assimilate?

Answer: When they succeed.

Question: will they succeed?

Answer: By assimilating

Question: ..and how will they assimilate?

Answer: By becoming successful


I mean we've done all we can do... right?