A golden month for justice?
This, at the behest of the new Liberian government, marks the prosecution of one of the most notorious accused war criminals of the modern era.
The news is also in that another may soon join him.
Serbia has pledged to hand over war crimes suspect Ratko Mladic to the tribunal in The Hague this month, the chief prosecutor's office says.The assurance follows the arrests of several relatives of the former Bosnian Serb army leader on Wednesday.
The BBC's Matt Prodger in Belgrade says it is the strongest commitment the Serbian authorities have yet given to international prosecutors.
Ratko Mladic is wanted on charges of genocide and crimes against humanity.
Both of these men, if reports are to be believed, committed monstrous acts on a scale that those of us who live in peace may never understand.
...it would be a heck of a month (after the slow days we've had recently) if these two find themselves whisked away to the Netherlands for an extended stay.
In any case, its also National Poetry Month... I'll find a way to mark that soon enough.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm not a good poet
and neither am I
Kev, at 10:52 PM
Roses are red
My race is black
Join me @ IHOP
For a hot stack!
Dandelions are blue
Only to blokes
That's why I'm a member
Of Broke Phi Broke!
Anonymous, at 8:18 PM
Enjoyed a lot!
Anonymous, at 1:21 PM
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