The Hot Seat

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened. - Winston Churchill

Monday, January 30, 2006

America's Debate Radio Premier

Every so often I take time in this blog to remind people who think they are interested in the decisions of their government or other powerful organization and the effects on the world around them that if they are not members of America's Debate their hope for fulfillment is forever out of reach.

It is a rather pathetic existence akin to Sisyphus hauling a rock of reason and genuine concern for his fellow man only to have the irresistible pull of moronic flame-driven third-rate forums drag any poignant revelation back down into the depths of irrelevance.

I, however, have no pity for the average suffering reader. Membership is free and easy.

Take hold of your future, lost one! Walk in the light!


...but for those for whom debate is either inaccessible or insufficient the administrators in their grand wisdom have a new treat.

Behold: America's Debate Radio

A live internet-radio call in show to debut directly following tomorrow's State of the Union Address.

The prescribed course of action is obvious.

(For the dim among thee)

You will listen.


  • Thanks for sharing this, turnea.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:20 PM  

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