Break Time!
Succinctly put, this semester, like no other, has really been kicking my butt.
Not to say that I didn't toss my fair share of licks right back, grades look pretty good all in all, enough A's to keep my professors on their toes.
..but the schedule has been murder for a sleep-addict like myself.
I LOVE sleep.
It's one of my favorite times of the day, which is a shame as I am unconscious for most of it. Just the same the spoils of victory in the hard-fought battle to just relax, quit fretting and fall asleep are plenty sweet.
Tutoring has, of course, be a real time-eater this semester, though of all the things that take my time I figure it's the most worthy and rewarding. I am officially overstretched right now though and I need to come up with some better arrangements so that everyone, including my tutees, can have a less stressful time of it.
My normal work hours are not for the introverted, expect a crowd.
..but I love to be making myself useful so I accept it.
Just the same life is good as always, I haven't had a real complaint in some years now.
I’ve been reading plenty over this break, Shake Hands with the Devil by the UN force commander during the unthinkable events of ten years ago is of special notice, read it as soon as possible as it explains so very clearly what was wrong with a world that will watch hundreds of thousands of civilians murdered in cold blood and do nothing.
I’ll be posting with more substance later, just a heads up in case anyone though I was actually thinking of shutting up.
Fat chance of that.
Sleep. One of my favorite hobbies. I've been catching up on sleep clear back to my tortuous 5 weeks in July 2005 at camp thunderbird. And also this semester was sadisic murder for me also, dear roommate. But you saw me tripping, while you acted all cool and stuff on the outside. Thanks for all the times that you helped me out of jams and such, I appreciate it. And you know that if you want to room with me again, the door is always open. In fact, I wouldn't be too surprised if I open the door January 17 and see you at the computer. We've swung back against some serious schoolwork, but its all good. TTFN.
Internet Street Philosopher, at 7:14 PM
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