The Hot Seat

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened. - Winston Churchill

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Afghan and German Elections

At this very moment the Afghan people are engaged in an exercise to elect a parliamentary government. Results are due in next October because there are thousands of candidates and tens of thousands of stations to sort out. Even pre-results this will be a monumental event for Afghanistan which will have its first full democratic government by the end of this year.

A more established democracy in have early elections as well. Germany's government is in the balance with substantial economic and foreign policy implications.

An of course the UN World Summit ended in a "compromise" government. Compromise, as usual, means no bold reforms.

That said the results that did come through are substantial if not exactly controversial. The restructuring of the Human Rights Council into a commission which does not include rights violators in well on track
From the BBC:
The 35-page final document establishes a new Peacebuilding Commission to help countries make the transition from war to peace, and agrees there is an international responsibility to protect people from genocide, war crimes and ethnic cleansing.[...]

It sets up a new Human Rights Council, and condemns terrorism "in all its forms and manifestations, committed by whomever, wherever and for whatever purposes" - though the summit failed to settle on a definition of terrorism.

Correspondents say disagreements have meant some of the anticipated advances have been dropped or watered down.

and the student government blog is soon coming, certainly before the first senate meeting on Monday.


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