News from 'Planet Z': KKK peacelovers!
In morning testimony, the former mayor of this small east Alabama town, Harlan Majure, testified as a character witness for the defense.
Under cross-examination, Majure, who was mayor in the 1990s, said he was not aware Killen was a member of the white-supremacist group, but that the part-time preacher's Klan membership would not change his opinion.
Majure said the Klan "did a lot of good up here" and said he was not personally aware of the organization's bloody past.
"I know some things about the Ku Klux Klan that a lot of people don't know," he said. "As far as I know it's a peaceful organization."
Cue the theme from the "Twilight Zone...
There are those living among you who are not of this earth...
Right. The KKK is a vestiage of a painful and racist past which many people to this day are still trying to move past, and if I had my way, I'd eradicate every last trace of it and anything else like it. Oh, yeah why haven't you answered my last email with anything? I need some kind of feedback here...
Internet Street Philosopher, at 2:18 AM
Some things in this life make no sense... Organized Chaos Unite!
Anonymous, at 2:49 PM
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