London Bombings
Although this blog, like its owner, takes a facts based approach to commentary on the news....
...and facts are a little thin concerning Thursday's murderous attacks in London. I would be absolutely remiss to stay silent on the issue.
It is as it was.
We have seen since 9/11 major attacks in Madrid, Istanbul, Bali, Casablanca, Baghdad, Islamabad and Nairobi. Such a wide cross-section of humanity could not have been chosen better purposefully and perhaps it was.
This merely cements the fact that the War on Terrorism, for it is a war will spare no corner of the globe.
Do not fall into the trap of seeing this as another attack on "The West."
There has been a tendency for apologists to remark that these attacks are merely revenge for collateral damage in Western ventures but the targets lists show hat lie for what it is.
What collateral damage did Turkey, Morocco, and Kenya cause lately?
Killings of civilians by accident in a war is moral worlds away from purposefully murdering those who had no interest in fighting.
This is a judgment call, yes. It is one I can repeat with absolute certainty however.
If others choose to operate by different morals and if their viewpoint precipitates actions like we saw in London on Thursday then let there be no mistaking the proper response.
This is not the time to equivocate. If the defense of our moral standard against there's is to become violent then so be it.
Does violence solve the underlying issue? No of course not
No more than prison can stop the underlying issues of serial killers. But violence can stop thoughts from becoming actions and that is the tack we must take.
...and facts are a little thin concerning Thursday's murderous attacks in London. I would be absolutely remiss to stay silent on the issue.
It is as it was.
We have seen since 9/11 major attacks in Madrid, Istanbul, Bali, Casablanca, Baghdad, Islamabad and Nairobi. Such a wide cross-section of humanity could not have been chosen better purposefully and perhaps it was.
This merely cements the fact that the War on Terrorism, for it is a war will spare no corner of the globe.
Do not fall into the trap of seeing this as another attack on "The West."
There has been a tendency for apologists to remark that these attacks are merely revenge for collateral damage in Western ventures but the targets lists show hat lie for what it is.
What collateral damage did Turkey, Morocco, and Kenya cause lately?
Killings of civilians by accident in a war is moral worlds away from purposefully murdering those who had no interest in fighting.
This is a judgment call, yes. It is one I can repeat with absolute certainty however.
If others choose to operate by different morals and if their viewpoint precipitates actions like we saw in London on Thursday then let there be no mistaking the proper response.
This is not the time to equivocate. If the defense of our moral standard against there's is to become violent then so be it.
Does violence solve the underlying issue? No of course not
No more than prison can stop the underlying issues of serial killers. But violence can stop thoughts from becoming actions and that is the tack we must take.
"In the absence of good, evil prevails."
"The triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
Terrorism is not just a crime against western nations, its a crime against humanity all together. Period. Those who have done so must be punished, because its not right to injure or kill someone who has nothing to do with your greviences. Hypothetical Example (doesn't reflect the true state of Turnea and I's relationship):
Turnea and I are not getting along because he ran into me with his car, damaged my bike and broke my leg in the process whether accidently or malitiously. Its wrong for me to retaliate by poisoning his hamster, punching his sister in the nose, cutting the power and phone lines to our dorm, affecting 200+ people and stabbing our mutral friend Tim in the kidney.
Doing that would be stupid and wrong, cause the other people, his sister, Tim and the hamster are not involved in this conflict, its between me and Turnea. Also it shows that I don't have the guts to either sit down and talk to Turnea about the issue to get it resolved or actually go for his throat personally. Ladies and gents, this is what terrorism is in a nutshell but on a bigger scale. And I know we may never be able to totally eradicate it, but we have to stamp it out wherever we can and also as much as possible stamp out the breeding grounds for terrorists. It ain't easy but it must be done. Like Turnea said, theres a time to negotiate and reason and a time to roll up the sleeves and go into Neo mode. That's it from me. Good post.
Internet Street Philosopher, at 11:10 AM
My brother and his wife now live in London, so I was worried. But they're safe! Praise the Lord!
Anonymous, at 10:55 AM
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