The Hot Seat

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened. - Winston Churchill

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Bush To Address the Nation

Heads up on the presidential address at 8 pm Eastern Time this evening. I'll be tuning in and I hope you will too, stay informed kids...

That said it would be leagues better if he were to make it a press conference and engage in such question and answer sessions more often.

If he let's the media set the agenda on Iraq, he's going to get pounded. He should point out that bombing are not the only (or even the most important) thing going on in Iraq.

The administration is far too afraid of the media.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Iraqi "Freedom Fighters" Hard at Work

From the BBC:
On the outskirts of Baghdad, workmen have been toiling frantically to repair a huge broken water main.

It was blown up by insurgents at the weekend. They knew exactly where to place the charge for maximum damage. It has taken out the water supply for more than half of Baghdad.

..and people still suffer under the delusion this is a popular rebellion. I'm sure the guys who cut off the water supply to a city in a desert country in the middle of summer, repeatedly (they did this last year too) are the life of the party...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

News from 'Planet Z': KKK peacelovers!

It is a rising opinion of mine that some Americans, chose to live in separate imagined reality not our own. How else could sentences like:

In morning testimony, the former mayor of this small east Alabama town, Harlan Majure, testified as a character witness for the defense.

Under cross-examination, Majure, who was mayor in the 1990s, said he was not aware Killen was a member of the white-supremacist group, but that the part-time preacher's Klan membership would not change his opinion.

Majure said the Klan "did a lot of good up here" and said he was not personally aware of the organization's bloody past.

"I know some things about the Ku Klux Klan that a lot of people don't know," he said. "As far as I know it's a peaceful organization."

Make any ummm....sense....?

Cue the theme from the "Twilight Zone...

There are those living among you who are not of this earth...

Sunday, June 19, 2005

More from Wolfowitz

The man is on the job for what... a month?

..and he already sees what the Bush administration (and the US government in general) hasn't for years.

From the BBC:
The new head of the World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz, has called for a big increase in US aid to Africa.

Mr Wolfowitz's comments came at the end of his first visit to the continent.

He signalled that he was willing to put pressure on Washington to increase aid, even to the point of reaching the international target - 0.7% GDP.

The move would mean more than trebling the US aid budget. Mr Wolfowitz also said he would like to see an end to farm subsidies.

The fact that a Paul Wolfowitz could see the need for a change in policy so quickly says volumes about our current failures.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

UN Report and "Batman"

So you had to wait a day...

The congressional report on the UN, as advertised.
Available on this page or directly (as a 3MB PDF) at the link below.

Full Report

So what was I doing yesterday?

Doing my telephone act (I dislike telephones, with a vengeance) and going to see Batman Begins.

How was it?

Suprisingly good actually. Clearly not the budget bankbuster Spiderman and its sequel was, but what lacks in pizazz (not much really). It more than makes up for in an excellent story.

Cool Batman villains come to call as usual, familiar names and good fight scenes.

If you think you would ever be interested in any movie on a comic book character go see it.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Saddam Video Released

A new video of the interrogation of Saddam Hussein regarding war crimes during his reign has been released. Any of the handy news sites I link to on the right side of the page should have their own streaming feed.

Haven't had time to see it myself, I'll get around to it.

A congressional report on United Nations Reform has been released to the press. I'll have a link here as soon as it's made public on Wednesday.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

The end is near...

I know what you're all saying out there, you don't need to spell it out.

Turnea doesn't post anymore, he's lost the love, sold out to man!

It ain't true folks. I have been working at getting a job, which I think is going well, God willing I start this week, but it doesn't mean I've forgotten to run my mouth.

I found out that a local library has the movies "City of God" and "Maria Full of Grace" while lying in wait for those to be returned so as I can't swoop in and enjoy I picked up Guns, Germs, and Steel a Pulitzer Prize winner by Jared Diamond on cultural histories and why some areas of the world became dominate industrial powers and some were interrupted at various points en route.

So far so good, I'll give the recommendation (or not) when I'm about finished.

New News?

Kuwait appoints its first woman minister in the government (yay!), 18 poor nations are getting their unpayable debts canceled and wonder of I wonder what's going on...

Apple is switching to Intel.

..and here I am letting my subscription to MacAddict lapse. I need information! Where am I? Who am I?!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Vital Information

I try not to post unless I've got something good. All of you information addicts out here know the mainstream media wouldn't know "good" if it jumped up and bit them in a sensitive area.

As a results we get treated to hours of coverage on the watershed moments of our time.

You know... medical marijuana and the Michael Jackson trial.

I refuse to play messenger to the irrelevant!

By now you realize I'm cloaking my laziness in principle. This ability is one of life's great lessons, learn it well.

Our public officials have made great use of this principle. Case in point Tony Blair was in Washington today visiting Bush over aid to Africa and debt relief.

Characteristically Bush announced an already allocated donation of a few hundred mill as if it were somehow news.

Whopee, George is finally choosing to actually give a tiny portion of the funds he promised.

Ah well, the battle continues...

Finished "The End of Poverty"

Go read it, no matter what your politics you won't regret it.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Return to Normalcy

I'm baaaaack!

Took a wonderful trip to New York and got to see all sorts of interesting things.

Highlight of the trip, in my opinion, was an informative and interesting tour of the United Nations. I also got to visit the World Trade Center site, hang around in Times Square and Central Park and all manner of other distinctly New York things to do.

Someone is pointing out I didn't blog. Someone should know I forgot the charger to my phone...

Well, let bygones be bygones. If I get any good pics I'll post them in.

Good to be scrutinizing the headliners again after that a little break.

Look out world, Turnea is back and he's full of beans!