I try not to post unless I've got something good. All of you information addicts out here know the mainstream media wouldn't know "good" if it jumped up and bit them in a sensitive area.
As a results we get treated to hours of coverage on the watershed moments of our time.
You know... medical marijuana and the Michael Jackson trial.
I refuse to play messenger to the irrelevant!
By now you realize I'm cloaking my laziness in principle. This ability is one of life's great lessons, learn it well.
Our public officials have made great use of this principle. Case in point Tony Blair was in Washington today visiting Bush over aid to Africa and debt relief.
Characteristically Bush announced an already allocated donation of a few hundred mill as if it were somehow news.
Whopee, George is finally choosing to actually give a tiny portion of the funds he promised.
Ah well, the battle continues...
Finished "The End of Poverty"
Go read it, no matter what your politics you won't regret it.