The Hot Seat

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened. - Winston Churchill

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

More on Somalia

...well that didn't take half as long as I thought. Here's the info on the canadian soildiers tried in the murder of Shiadane Arone.

From "Maclean's" 3/27/95, Vol. 108 Issue 13, p27
Capt. Michael Sox, the last Canadian soldier tried in a series of courts martial stemming from the March, 1993, beating death of 16-year-old Shidane Arone in Somalia, was found guilty of negligent performance of duty after a trial at the Canadian Forces Base in Petawawa, Ont. The charge carries a maximum penalty of dismissal with disgrace, followed by imprisonment for up to two years less a day.

5/9/94, Vol. 107 Issue 19, p21

The main figure in the vicious torture and beating death of a Somali teenager last year will probably never stand trial for his actions. The Canadian Armed Forces judge advocate in the case, Col. Guy Brais, said that Master Cpl. Clayton Matchee, who was charged with second-degree murder, torture and negligent performance of duty, was unfit to be tried..[...] Matchee is unable to understand the nature and purpose of the court martial because of the severe brain damage he suffered after attempting to hang himself in a holding cell at the Canadian Airborne Regiment compound in Somalia[...] Sgt. Mark Boland. After Boland pleaded guilty to negligent performance of duty in relation to Arone's death, a statement of facts was read into the record. Among other things, the statement said that Matchee ``systematically beat'' Arone with a wooden baton, a metal bar, his fists and his boots, and that he ``burned the soles of Arone's feet with a cigar or cigarette.''

That is, of course, in addition to Kyle Brown who was mentioned in the previous post. He is the only soldier to recieve a significant sentence.


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